

S02E14 - iLook Alike

18.4. 02:30
20 minút

Carly, Sam and Freddie are hired by a car saleman's son to host a contest for a free new car to raise publicity for their lot. The winner, shockingly, is Nevel Papperman. When Freddie and Sam go to retrieve the car for him, the two find out that the owner doesn't have a son and the car did not exist. Carly, being disappointed with the news, starts to question Nevel on how he won the contest. The three find out that Nevel was the one who created the contest and the car, hiring some kid to pretend that he was the lot owner's son to set them up. But iCarly must still provide him with a car. Meanwhile, Spencer buys a prop from a movie online, but finds out that he was simply fooled by a replica, and Carly decides to exploit a loophole, saying that a "Car" is any vehicle that can go over 25 miles per hour for at least three seconds. Using that they give the prop to Nevel as his new car, to keep iCarly from getting shut down by the LCC for fraud. Nevel then tests drives the car, and crashes into a flower shop, and iCarly succeeds in prevention of getting their website shut down.

Viac informácií

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iThink They Kissed



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30.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minút

iSpeed Date


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iHave My Principals


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iFind Lewbert's Lost Love


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iMove Out


iSaved Your Life

1.6. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minút

iSaved Your Life

Carly, unaware of an oncoming taco truck, is pushed aside by Freddie, who subsequently gets hit. Carly, grateful to Freddie for saving her life, develops an attraction towards him. However, Freddie thinks that this attraction stems from his actions, and not himself, so the two break up but agree that if the whole "hero" thing wears off that if Carly still feels attracted to him they'll try the relationship again. Meanwhile, Sam and Spencer engage in an intense game of assassin.

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O programe

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Presne v duchu "Waynovho sveta" sa Carly a jej najlepšia kamarátka Samantha "Sam" Puckettová rozhodnú pretvoriť nudný školský projekt na vlastnoručne vedenú internetovú show potom, čo ich kamarát Freddie omylom zavesí video s ich šaškováním na internetovú stránku pre domáce videá "Splash Face" . Ich okamžitý úspech presvedčí Carly, aby plne zapojila Sam (spolumoderátorku) a Freddieho (technický producenta) a spoločne spustili iCarly ako každotýždenná internetovú show, v ktorej si môžu robiť, čo chcú.


David Kendall, Dan Schneider