

S02E19 - Carly et Clyde - Deuxième partie

20.4. 02:30
20 minutes

Griffin, le nouveau voisin de Carly et Spencer, vole la moto que Carly a offert à Spencer...

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J'embête Lewbert

14.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

J'embête Lewbert

Alors qu'une histoire d'amour est sur le point de naître entre Lewbert et Mme Benson, la bande décide de leur mettre des bâtons dans les roues.


ICarly va au Japon - Première partie

14.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

ICarly va au Japon - Première partie

Carly, Sam, Spencer et Freddie se rendent au Japon pour les iWeb Awards. Après un vol qui a failli mal tourné, nos quatre amis se retrouvent dans un hôtel de Tokyo.


ICarly va au Japon - Deuxième partie

15.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

ICarly va au Japon - Deuxième partie

Carly, Sam, Spencer et Freddie se rendent au Japon pour les iWeb Awards. Après un vol qui a failli mal tourné, nos quatre amis se retrouvent dans un hôtel de Tokyo.


ICarly va au Japon - Troisième partie

15.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

ICarly va au Japon - Troisième partie

Carly, Sam, Spencer et Freddie se rendent au Japon pour les iWeb Awards. Après un vol qui a failli mal tourné, nos quatre amis se retrouvent dans un hôtel de Tokyo.


Le premier baiser

16.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Le premier baiser

Alors que Freddie confie à Carly qu'il n'a jamais embrassé une fille, Sam surprend leur conversation et dévoile le secret de Freddie sur Internet.


C'est pas de la tarte

16.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

C'est pas de la tarte

Carly, Sam et Spencer emmènent Freddie dans leur boutique de tartes préférée. A leur arrivée, ils apprennent que le propriétaire a disparu en emportant la recette des tartes avec lui.


Le concours

17.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Le concours

L'équipe organise un concours sur iCarly.com pour gagner une voiture.


Que le meilleur chante

17.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Que le meilleur chante

Carly, Sam et Freddie demandent aux fans d'iCarly de voter pour David Archuleta afin qu'il remporte AMERICA SINGS. Mais ils se sentent mal à l'aise par rapport au deuxième et l'aident à créer son clip.


Meilleurs ennemis

18.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Meilleurs ennemis

Carly, Sam et Freddie vexent une starlette du web dénommée Fred. Ce dernier tente alors de convaincre ses abonnés vidéo de ne plus jamais regarder iCarly.


Trop jeune pour ça

18.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Trop jeune pour ça

Carly, Sam et Freddie sont invités à assister à un combat d'arts martiaux pour filmer en coulisses. Mais Spencer et Mrs Benson refusent de les laisser y aller.

Available in 6 hours

Il faut sauver iCarly.com

19.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 25 minutes

Il faut sauver iCarly.com

Carly, Sam et Freddie perdent l'URL iCarly au profit de Nevel. Ce dernier demande à Carly de l'embrasser en échange de l'URL. De son côté, Spencer s'amuse avec les deux cent oreillers qu'il a commandés par erreur...

Available in 7 hours

Sam devient gentille

19.5. 02:55, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Sam devient gentille

Sam craque sur un garçon qui n’aime que les filles très féminines. Carly aide alors Sam à se relooker.

Available in 1 days

Carly et Clyde - Première partie

20.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 25 minutes

Carly et Clyde - Première partie

Griffin, le nouveau voisin de Carly et Spencer, vole la moto que Carly a offert à Spencer...

Available in 1 days

Carly et Clyde - Deuxième partie

20.5. 02:55, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Carly et Clyde - Deuxième partie

Griffin, le nouveau voisin de Carly et Spencer, vole la moto que Carly a offert à Spencer...

Available in 2 days

La meilleure amie

21.5. 02:25, Nickelodeon, 25 minutes

La meilleure amie

Missy Robinson, l'ancienne amie de Carly, revient dans sa vie. Sam se sent alors mise de côté.

Available in 2 days


21.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes


Surprise, surprise ! Sam a une sœur jumelle appelée Mélanie. Et encore plus surprenant, elle est beaucoup plus féminine que Sam, et craque pour Freddie, qui la prend pour Sam déguisée.

Available in 3 days

Le combat - Première partie

22.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Le combat - Première partie

Carly et la championne d'arts martiaux Shelby Marx acceptent de se livrer à une démonstration de combat pour le compte d'une oeuvre de charité.

Available in 3 days

Episode 26

22.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Episode 26

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

Available in 4 days

Episode 27

23.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Episode 27

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

Available in 4 days

Episode 28

23.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Episode 28

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

Available in 5 days

Episode 29

24.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Episode 29

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

Available in 5 days

Episode 30

24.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Episode 30

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

Available in 6 days

Episode 31

25.5. 02:30, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Episode 31

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

Available in 6 days

Episode 35

25.5. 02:50, Nickelodeon, 20 minutes

Episode 35

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

About show

česky, anglicky, maďarsky

Carly Shay est une adolescente normale qui vit avec son frère Spencer, jusqu'au jour où un de ses professeur lui demande de prendre en charge le concours de talent de l'école, ce qui va avoir des conséquences inattendues. Avec son amie Sam, elle procède aux auditions en les filmant et avec l'aide de Freddie, met les vidéos, y compris celles de leurs plaisanteries, sur internet. A son grand étonnement, ses videos rencontrent un grand succès et les fans en demandent plus. Ils vont alors produire régulièrement leur propre show sur internet, intitulé : iCarly.


Dan Schneider, Steve Hoefer