Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis

S05E15 - Remnants

18.4. 16:10
AXN Black
55 minutes
Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.

More information

Search and Rescue

17.6. 21:55, AXN Black, 55 minutes

Search and Rescue

Sheppard a Ronon se probudili zavaleni troskami. Ronon se z trosek dostal, ale Sheppard má zavalenou nohu. McKay se snaží spojit s Atlantidou, ale vůbec nic nepomáhá. Michael následně zjistí, že tým z Atlantidy odhalil past, a proto se vydává pochytat ty, kteří sesypání trosek přežili. Následně jeden z vojáku stihne projít branou a informovat Carterovou o sesypání základny na planetě. Kanaan pomůže Teyle z pout a společně chtějí utéct. Carterová, Kellerová a záchranný tým z Atlantidy přiletí na planetu, kde vybouchla základna, a najdou Rodneyho s Lornem. Na pomoc je přivolán Daidalos, který je poněkud zdržen útokem Michaelovy lodě. Podaří se zachránit Shepparda, Ronona i Teylu?(Varan)


The Seed

17.6. 22:50, AXN Black, 60 minutes

The Seed

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


Broken Ties

15.6. 19:25, AXN Black, 60 minutes

Broken Ties

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


The Daedalus Variations

15.6. 20:25, AXN Black, 55 minutes

The Daedalus Variations

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


Ghost in the Machine

15.6. 21:20, AXN Black, 55 minutes

Ghost in the Machine

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


The Shrine

16.6. 18:00, AXN Black, 55 minutes

The Shrine

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



16.6. 18:55, AXN Black, 60 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


The Queen

16.6. 19:55, AXN Black, 55 minutes

The Queen

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



16.6. 20:50, AXN Black, 60 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


First Contact

16.6. 21:50, AXN Black, 55 minutes

First Contact

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.

Available in 4 days

The Lost Tribe

22.6. 17:30, AXN Black, 55 minutes

The Lost Tribe

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.

Available in 4 days


22.6. 18:25, AXN Black, 60 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



11.6. 21:30, AXN Black, 55 minutes


Ronon si poranil ruku při bojovém cvičení, Rodney šel do botanické laboratoře a požádal Katie o ruku, Carterová a Zelenka spolu nastoupili do výtahu (transportéru), Teyla jde za Johnem do laboratoře, aby si s ním promluvila o svém miminku. Z ničeho nic se spustí karanténa a všichni jsou uzavřeni tam, kde jsou. Shepparda napadne, že by mohl z okna laboratoře vyšplhat nahoru do kontrolní místnosti. Když se Sheppard dostane do místnosti, vypne záchranný signál, ale tím také vyřadí všechny počítače a zapne autodestrukci. Sheppardovi a týmu Lorna se podaří vyprostit z výtahu Carterovou a Zelenku. Zelenka navrhne, že by se mohl do místnosti, odkud se dá vypnout autodestrukce. V Zelenkových rukou je osud celé Atlantidy.(Varan)

Available in 4 days


22.6. 19:25, AXN Black, 55 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



11.6. 22:25, AXN Black, 55 minutes


John a Rodney se dostali na známou planetu, kde vládne král, který má dvě krásné dcery. Princezny požádají Rodneyho a Johna, jestli by mohli doprovodit jejich nejmladší sestru Harmony k starým ruinám, protože pokud se dotkne jednoho z kamenů, ten se rozsvítí a tím se stane následnicí trůnu. Rodney a Sheppard zneškodní cestou vojáky, kteří chtěli unést Harmony. Když Sheppard navrhne návrat k vesnici, malá Harmony s tím absolutně nesouhlasí. Proto se vydávají dále na cestu plnou vojáků. Mezitím se velitel vojáků spojí se svým kontaktem v královském hradu, který veliteli vysvětlí, že pokud se Sheppard, McKay a nebo Harmony vrátí, řeknou všem o vojácích, a to nikdo nechce. Sheppard, McKay a Harmony se musí co nejdřív dostat k troskám.(Varan)

Available in 4 days

The Prodigal

22.6. 20:20, AXN Black, 60 minutes

The Prodigal

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



12.6. 21:25, AXN Black, 60 minutes


Carterová řekne Johnovi s lítostí, že mu zemřel otec. Proto se McKay, Sheppard a Ronon vydávají na Zem. Následně se objeví mladá dívka, která toho hodně ví o Johnovi. Dívka Sheppardovi poví o tajném výzkumu nanitů, na kterém pracovala s Dr. Poolem. Dívka také Johnovi řekne o replikátorovi, kterému se povedlo utéct a teď volně pobíhá po Zemi. K pátraní se připojí také seržant Bates, který kdysi byl i na Atlantidě. Úkol je jasný - chytit replikátora, než napáchá velké škody.(Varan)

Available in 4 days


22.6. 21:20, AXN Black, 55 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



12.6. 22:25, AXN Black, 55 minutes


Při průzkumu planety spadne McKay do země v oblasti, kde jsou časté otřesy půdy. Carterová a Kellerová mu chtějí pomoct, ale propadnou se také. Při průzkumu místa zjistí McKay, že jde o těžební místnost plnou prázdných beden. Napadne ho, že by je mohli poskládat na sebe a tím by jeden z nich vylezl nahoru. Jenže pyramida z beden spadne. Další plán je hodit nahoru lano. Při splétání uzlů uslyší McKay, že nahoře někdo je. Zjistí, že to jsou místní děti, které Carterová prosí o pomoc. Bohužel děti následně odešly. Když ani lano nezabere, přijde Kellerová na to, že by mohli využít tzv. "pivní sázku", kdy musíte za pomoci třech nožů a třech šálků vytvořit most, který udrží sklenici. Rodney slíbil Kellerové sud piva, když to vyjde.(Varan)

Available in 5 days

Brain Storm

23.6. 18:30, AXN Black, 60 minutes

Brain Storm

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



13.6. 21:45, AXN Black, 55 minutes


Ronon se musí dostavit k pohovoru I.O.A., kde se má prověřit, jestli je schopen být členem týmu na Atlantidě. Carterovou napadlo, že by Rononovi mohl pomoct Teal´c, který je s pohovorem obeznámen. Následně se Ronon s Teal´cem dostanou bránou do přestupní stanice - kvůli karanténě musí den počkat, než budou moci projít bránou na Zem. Na stanici se dostali také Wraithi, kteří ji kompletně ovládli. Ronon a Teal´c se schovali a společně musí zastavit Wraithy dříve, než se dostanou na Zem.(Varan)

Available in 5 days


23.6. 19:30, AXN Black, 55 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


The Kindred: Part 1

13.6. 22:40, AXN Black, 55 minutes

The Kindred: Part 1

Teylu ve snech navštíví její přítel a řekne jí, aby ho našla. Teyla neváhá a řekne to Sheppardovi. Sheppardův tým se vydá na planetu, kde byli Athosiané naposledy. Kellerová zjistí, že virus, který zabíjí lidi, je ten, se kterým se už kdysi setkali - retrovirus. Teyla se s Sheppardovým týmem vrací na planetu a tam najde kupce, který prodává athosianské věci. Kupec Teyle prozradí, že mu je jistý cizinec přišel prodat a tentýž cizinec má dnes přijít s dalšími věcmi. Tým majora Lorna a Teyla se vydali na místo, kde cizinec našel poklady Athosianů. Sheppard, Ronon a Rodney se vydali na opuštěnou wraithskou loď, kde najdou Todda, který jim řekne, že na té lodi jsou jeho lidé. Mezitím Teylu a cizince unesly wraithské šipky. Jsou jen dva Wraithi, kteří by mohli Teylu unést...(Varan)

Available in 5 days


23.6. 20:25, AXN Black, 60 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


The Kindred: Part 2

14.6. 21:55, AXN Black, 55 minutes

The Kindred: Part 2

Teylu unesl Michael, který jí prozradil, že ve snech, kde viděla svého přítele, vzal na sebe Michael jeho podobu. Carterová řekla Sheppardovi, že na jedné planetě, kde je výzkumná stanice, je držen někdo z Atlantidy. Sheppardův tým se tam ihned vydá a zjistí, že se jedná o Becketta. Když se ptají Becketta, jak se tam dostal, odpoví jim, že když na jedné planete přeměnili skupinu Wraithů včetně Michaela, byl on chycen a odveden na stanici, kde mu Michael dával neznámý enzym. Michael mezitím sdělí Teyle plány, co che udělat s jejím dítětem. Mezitím na Atlantidě našli polohu planety, na které přistál Michael a kde bude také Teyla. Když se tam dostanou, Beckett zachrání Teylu, ale Michael je dožene, Becketta přemůže a s Teylou uteče. Sheppardovi se povede zachránit Athosiany, ale musí ještě zastavit Michaela, než bude příliš pozdě.(Varan)

Available in 5 days


23.6. 21:25, AXN Black, 55 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


The Last Man

14.6. 22:50, AXN Black, 60 minutes

The Last Man

Sheppard a tým majora Lorna se na jedné planetě měli spojit se svým kontaktem, ale ten se neukázal. Následně Sheppard zadá symboly k otevření brány směrem na Atlantidu. Když ale bránou projde, skutečně se dostane na Atlantidu, jenže na Atlantidě nikdo není a místo rozlehlého moře najde jen obří písečnou poušť. Podaří se mu spojit s Rodneym, který mu řekne, že se sejdou v holografické místnosti. Tam Sheppard uvidí hologram Rodneyho v jeho staré verzi. Rodney řekne Sheppardovi vše, co se stalo v jejich vesmíru, a že se dostal na Atlantidu, ale do daleké budoucnosti. Rodney také zná souřadnice planety, kam míří Michael s Teylou. Jediný způsob, jak by tomu mohl Sheppard zabránit, je přejít přes písečnou bouři do části Atlantidy, kde je stázová komora.(Varan)

Available in 5 days

Enemy at the Gate

23.6. 22:20, AXN Black, 55 minutes

Enemy at the Gate

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.

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About show

Czech, Hungarian
Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


William Waring


Robert Picardo, Anna Galvin, Rachel Luttrell, Jewel Staite, Joe Flanigan, Robert Davi, Jason Momoa, Jonathon Young, Tamlyn Tomita, David Nykl, Sharon Taylor, David Hewlett, Chuck Campbell